Description of the Book
This is the only family romance fiction novel by Roger Himes.

To read it as a FLIP-PAGE book, go here:
and click on THE SINGER.
Author Roger Himes is a lawyer.
The novel is also about a lawyer named Scott.
Scott is burned out and is in a mid-life crisis.
He quits law practice and relocates to become
He betrays his supportive family and commits adultery.
But the story is mostly about issues in life we all face.
It is upbeat, with healing and restoration.
It has many ‘gospel takeaways’ that can be personalized.
Don’t miss this for sure!
The book is very unique in one way:
it comes with a 12 song music soundtrack
that follows the story line of the book,
adding more impact and feeling to the story!
Roger sings all 12 songs that he also composed.
You can read the lyrics in the book,
but you can also listen to the songs being sung.
Part of a song by Peter Paul and Mary says it best:
“Music speaks louder than words.
It’s the only thing the whole world listens to.
When you sing, people understand.”
It is great for teens!
Megan, Scott’s daughter, confronts her dad:
he preaches chastity to her to remain virgin,
but then he commits adultery.
The whole family grows closer working through
issues of resentment,
hypocrisy, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness,
and even potential divorce.
This is a story with a message of hope.
The story ends positively with restoration and healing,
with good, godly, gospel guidance and counsel.
In addition to law, Roger has been a counselor with
NCCA: National Christian Counselors Association.
If the story speaks to your heart,
tell your family and friends about it,
and tell him how it did in an email:
