Searching For Reality
Composed, Copyrighted and Performed
by Roger Himes
After these lyrics, I tell about
how this song was written,
which is quite unique
+ + +
Land of pride and plenty
People rushing to nowhere
Idle time beyond compare
Ignoring others in despair
Searching for some certainty.
People hear yet seldom listen
Others look but cannot see
Competing in the wrong directions
Acting out facsimilies.
People full yet always hungry
Reaching out but seldom touching
Outward laughing, inward crying
Avoiding our Gethsemane.
Land of opportunity
Money is our hidden treasure
Wealth becomes the standard measure
As we seek our fleeting pleasures
Pride without humility.
Great concern but no compassion
Fighting hard for selfish justice
Becoming slaves in all dimensions
While striving hard to be set free.
Seeking answers but avoiding issues
Learning facts but never knowing
Seeking knowledge, seldom wisdom
Intellectual security.
Land of milk and honey
Many songs yet few have meaning
Voices filled with empty chatter
Noise abounds but peace is fleeting
Clanging like calliopes.
Countless children yet few fathers
Many houses yet few homes
Many plans for great tomorrows
While today remains a mystery.
Many smiles but shallow greetings
Religious people with no true God
Many Christians without Christ
Searching for reality.
About this song:
Most songs take a lot of butt-burning work, and a lot of time to write. But I wrote this song in an hour’s time — both lyrics and music.
I was in mountains, singing John Denver’s ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH when the lyrics of ‘America’ started forming in my mind. I wasn’t even thinking about writing a song, so the whole experience surprised me.
Looking at the complexity of the song, you wonder how this could be. On finishing the song, I realized that I was simply being used by something as an instrument for something that wanted to be said. I like to think of the ‘something’ as being Almighty God.
I’ve written a book on the song,
that is on my bookcase:
I take each negative line of the song
and transpose it into positive ideas.
As great as America is, she sure has problems.
But problems have solutions,
because of this simple fact:
America’s problems can often be
reduced to ‘Americans.’
The book is aimed at strengthening Americans
— the backbone of America.
But it applies to every person in the world, no matter where they are. The book shows how to get the most out of the best we have to offer in every area of life.

Roger Himes, Lawyer
A Gospel Life Coach