“The Gospel in Song and Scripture”
Roy Warren, the black guy
Roger Himes, the white guy.
We were called ‘gospel salt and pepper.’
Presentation 1 of 2:
For God So Loved the World
Click the link below to listen
Presentation 2 of 2:
Mighty Big Ways
Click on the left arrow to listen
Presentation 1: I wrote this song I sing: For God So Loved the World. It was my first song after just being born again (before I was born again, I never wrote a song!!!)This song was like a gift from God to me — and a confirmation of my salvation. The scripture Roy recites is John 1:1-5, John 3:16, Matthew 5:1-18.
Presentation 2: This song was composed and sung by the New Christy Minstrels: Mighty Big Ways. The scripture Roy recites is Psalm 8:1-9, Psalm 121:1-8, Psalm 100:1-5.
Roy and I performed in more churches than we kept count of in Colorado, and then 2 tours in the west coast. We were in churches of all denominations. They loved us because nothing we did offended their beliefs. They even called and wrote other churhces to recommend us.
Roy and I were unique: scripture and song.
Neither Roy nor I were Christian at the time, although I did become a Christian at the end of our time. I think Roy later became a believer in Jesus too. He later moved to the west coast doing his own ministry. Eileen and I have lived in Colorado ever since college days in Texas.
A few years ago, my phone rang and it was Roy saying he was coming to Denver and wanted to meet and talk. I was going to be gone when he was here so I was sorry that I couldn’t meet him, but we talked for quite awhile.
I was doing coach tours at the time for GLOBUS (Group Voyagers, Inc). I was gone taking groups of people on 14 day trips, April through October from the west coast to South Dakota — and from Montana to Arizona. It was a wonderful experience of the western United States.